Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Marmalade jam

Upon returning from my grandparents a few weekends ago I was given a giant box of oranges. Now I love oranges and all but I'm not quite sure what to do with a giant box full.

So I decides to try my hand at making marmalade.

I found a basic recipe on the ABC site here to follow roughly.

Orange Marmalade
500g Oranges
1 Lemon
4 Cups water
2 Cups orange juice
4 ish cups sugar
2 tsp jamsetta

Chop the orange and lemon finely and add water and orange juice. Cook until orange is soft. This took about 40 minutes for me. Then add the sugar and jamsetta and boil for 35 min.
Sanitise your jars in boiling water.
Then let the marmalade sit for 10 minutes and pour into your jars.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Tea cosies party

Last night was a good friends 30th. As she rather enjoys her green tea I thought I would make a colourful tea cosy.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Chalk board jars

I've been meaning to post this for a few days but haven't had time to buy chalk!
I saw this idea on Meet Me at Mikes a while back and thought it may come in handy at our place. I can never tell the plain flour from the self raising! Plus, as I kept telling Ben, it just looked pretty.

Got some chalkboard paint from a hardware on Gundagai (we just happened to be passing through).

Painted them up

And volia! Chalk board jars! So lovely.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

By the campfire

Last weekend Ben and I went camping with two friends at a lovely spot by the river in Kangaroo Valley. It was lovely, not too cold but cold enough for a nice warm fire.
I remembered to bring my camera for a change and had a play around with the night settings.

Water bottler warmer

Got home tonight and the lovely boyfriend had made me a water bottle cover. Ok so he made it all with the overlocker and might need a bit more practice but it's the thought that counts right?!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Reverse Garbage pillows

This evening I got home earlier than usual (yay!) so after finishing dinner decided to do a little crafting. I've had this gorgeous scraps of fabric from reversegarbage for a while and have been meaning to make some pillows with them.

So I quickly whipped around them with a sewing machine, stuffed them with stuffing and volia! Lovely colorful pillows for my love couch.


I've been meaning to start a blog forever and a day and as I craft more and follow more crafty types it's about time I get involved.
Might start by posting some older photos of previous crafty projects. Enjoy :)