I've decided to take the plunge! It's been about a year and a half now since I learned how to sew garments and am slowly building up a small wardrobe of wearable clothing. For the month of May I'll be taking part in Zo's Me-Made-May '12
'I, Bohdana of Poppet Hill, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to wear one self-stitched/refashioned/knitted garment each day (Mon-Fri) for the duration of May 2012'
Phew! I think this will give me a chance to review what I have, what I wear and what I could do with more of. You'll notice I've only said Monday -Friday in there; I mostly wear my handmade clothes to work, my weekend gear consist of jeans and a t-shirt. I'm hoping this year to make more around-the-house clothes though but doubt I'll have anything ready for the month of May.
Sarai at Colettte patterns has this great blog post the other day about making practical clothes and I totally agree. More cake less icing needed!
'I, Bohdana of Poppet Hill, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to wear one self-stitched/refashioned/knitted garment each day (Mon-Fri) for the duration of May 2012'
Phew! I think this will give me a chance to review what I have, what I wear and what I could do with more of. You'll notice I've only said Monday -Friday in there; I mostly wear my handmade clothes to work, my weekend gear consist of jeans and a t-shirt. I'm hoping this year to make more around-the-house clothes though but doubt I'll have anything ready for the month of May.
Sarai at Colettte patterns has this great blog post the other day about making practical clothes and I totally agree. More cake less icing needed!